(08) 8331 0987

71 Edward Street, Norwood SA 5067

Mouth / Night Guard

Custom -fitted mouthguards are manufactured in our clinic by means of taking an impression and creating a model of your teeth. Choosing a custom-fitted mouthguard ensures that your mouth is accurately assessed and you are provided with the best fitting mouthguard that is most appropriate for you.

A custom-fitted mouthguard provides a far superior fit than other varieties, as they are designed to suit your individual needs. Over the counter mouthguards are far less effective than those that are custom designed. Stock mouthguards of the boil and bite variety do not provide enough protection against injuries to your teeth, mouth or jaw.

Dental injuries that occur due to inadequate or no protection can be very costly. A custom-fitted mouthguard can be a very worthwhile investment and for those who have private health cover the gap payment can be minimal and often be less than what you could expect to pay for an over the counter product.

Choosing a custom-fitted mouthguard ensures that your mouth is accurately assessed and you are provided with the best fitting mouthguard that is most appropriate for you.

Mouth / Night Guard

When made by Norwood Dental and Implant Centre your custom-fitted mouthguard is:

Well fitting
Allows you to speak clearly
Won't shift or fall out
Won't restrict your breathing